Priorities for the Season Ahead

Photo by Janelle Pol

Photo by Janelle Pol

If you’re like me, the holidays can be tough to navigate. During the holiday season, words like family, romance, and home are thrown into the atmosphere and seem to hang there from November through January as a reminder of what we often do not have or wish was better. Whether we’re headed back to a home filled with tension or staying in the city and having a “Friendsgiving,” we can still feel isolated and lonely. It’s during these times when we need to be reminded that we are loved and always have a place to belong. During what might be a difficult season, there are actually many ways to remind ourselves of what we do have and make the most of those things. 


Often the busyness of the holidays can make connecting with our friends a challenge. It seems we are all working longer hours, having to attend an office party, or running holiday errands. If we’re honest, we’ll admit it can be a companionless time. Community, though, is so important during this season. Although with friends we often want to present our best selves, when we open up, we can find that our friends are in a similar place to ourselves. 


The holidays can be stressful and our bodies can hold that tension. It is important to carve out time to de-stress and check in regularly with how you are feeling. Being with family can be wonderful, but sometimes being around parents and siblings 24/7 can be overwhelming; being alone can be a good way to recharge. Maybe go for a walk by yourself and reflect on the day. Make time to put on a facemask and breathe, or take time to journal. If, like me, you are staying in the city, enjoy some time in Central Park. This practice will help maintain a natural rhythm to holiday-driven disrupted routines. 


Implementing this suggestion may be difficult at times. Trust me, I know! This practice has been particularly hard for me. However, the practice of gratitude literally affects how we think on a day-to-day basis. Brené Brown says being grateful invites joy into our lives. Perhaps each morning, when you feel uncertain about what the day or week holds, remind yourself of what is certain in your life. They can be simple realizations. Some of my recent gratitude thoughts have been: “I am thankful for my wonderful friends, for the way the sunlight comes through my window in the early morning, for solving the latest NYT Monday crossword.”


Whatever your situation is this holiday season, know that you are cared for and loved. God goes with us when we are home, and when we travel — in times of quiet, and in times of busyness

My hope is these simple suggestions bring you peace and joy this holiday season.