Truths To Speak Over Yourself When Feeling Less Than Celebratory

Photo by Janelle Pol

Photo by Janelle Pol

Feeling celebratory during set times of celebration can sometimes be hard to do. 

For example, celebrating a friend’s wedding when you’re single, a baby shower when you’re barren, or a friend’s promotion party when you hate your job can all be a lot harder than they seem. When I’m in a celebratory situation that is hard for me to participate in, I usually feel waves of guilt and shame over my inability to be happy for my friends. It’s an awful feeling.

My downward spiral of thinking picks up speed: “Look at how much you’re lacking in your life. You should be so jealous of all she has. Are you seriously feeling jealous of her? What an awful friend you are! That’s probably why you don’t have all those things...” It goes and on and on.

This would be called, from a Christian perspective, the voice of the condemner working to steal, kill and destroy. Steal my ability to celebrate and feel joy alongside my friend, kill the hope in my life, and perhaps destroy my affections for my friend. 

When the condemner starts to speak, I know that I have to get aligned with the truth and not let lies take my joy away. 



There is specific purpose and meaning for my life, outside of what gains it looks like others are making. 

Think about the unique opportunities that have been presented to you in your life, as well as your special interests. You were specifically created to care about certain things, giving you unique stamina to seek after and remain passionate about those activities, topics or causes. There is a purpose for why you were created the way you were. 


I do not need to hoard, pine after or grapple for worldly resources. I can make forward motion in my life with a steady peace knowing that what I need will come at the right time. Think about whether you are operating or viewing your life from a scarcity mentality. 


We are meant to share in each other’s lives -- both the burdens and the victories.  I have to protect my relationship with her in my heart, and not let bitterness or resentment take hold. In this way, I can rejoice with others when they’re rejoicing. Think about the relationships that are important to you, those you need to protect. 

We were made to feel joy and celebrate alongside the people we love when good things happen to them. We were created to love and honor each other in that way. Any feelings or thoughts that contradict that are red flags that we are believing lies. The only healthy way forward is to recognize those thoughts as lies and remind ourselves of the truth.

Are you letting lies steal your joy? Do you need to remind yourself the truth? 


For more insight, check out this popular podcast on How to Celebrate and Not Compare .

And this article on replacing accusations with affirmations.