March 2021: Having Staying Power


This month we are exploring how to stay strong and committed.

As we approach the one year mark of New York City’s shutdown and the pandemic, we acknowledge needing strength and commitment to endure in this city (and anywhere).

We hear from women who wrestled with “staying” in various aspects of life but have found the determination to continue with courage and conviction in the middle of difficult circumstances. Be encouraged and find out how you can too.  


Exploring ways to stay resilient and find richness in the new normal

5 Ways to Build Up Your Stamina and Stay Strong

Choosing to Stay, and Moving On

Work + Career

Learning to tackle life’s changes without complaint  

Finding an Attitude of Endurance in Challenging Circumstances


Discovering spiritual peace is possible in temporal troubles

Learn by Heart these Peace Filled Guarantees


Finding ways to combat anxiousness during uneasy times

Practical Tips for Dealing with Restlessness

Radiant NYC